Vision , Mission & Values
Our Vision, Mission, and Values
Taiwan Graduate School of Theology’s Vision is “To have faith in God, love for all people, and to care for the land.” Based on Christian tradition, we are convinced that “faith” in God the Creator must be rooted in “love” for the His creation. If we cannot love that which can be seen, both the land and the people that God created, we cannot love the “invisible God” (1 John 4:19-21). We at Taiwan Graduate School of Theology are convinced that the process of learning based on the people and the land that God created, enables students to learn by participating in this real living history. In an era of rapid social change and turbulence, it is our goal to train students in the context of today’s environment and who are determined to pursue eternal truths. This is at the core of the school’s philosophy.
As recipients of the Christian faith and traditions, the Mission of Taiwan Graduate School of Theology is to maintain the Christian orthodoxy through increasing the depth and breadth of biblical and theological research, to provide high-quality education in regards to both professors and the teaching environment, and to solidly cultivate students’ abilities to respond to the contemporary and practical ministry environment. Therefore, the school’s positions itself as a tertiary institution integrating “academic research, teaching/education, and practice” in order to cultivate Christian mission and ministry talents, recruiting Christians who are willing to follow Jesus Christ, make sacrifices, preach the Gospel, are baptized Christians, in order to serve the church and society.
According to our Mission and Vision, there are five educational goals (Values) set by Taiwan Graduate School of Theology:
- Training for professional ministry: To develop students professional ministry abilities in theology, spiritual counseling, and church music through advancement in both theory and practice, preparing students to become future church leaders.
- Academic training: Each academic department has highly trained professors who are experts in their related fields. These professors provide top theological education, and train students with strict standards.
- Aim towards Missions: This school was established by missionaries, and we are all descendants of this the missionary spirit with the goal of being missionaries who are will to make sacrifices and spread the truth of Jesus Christ. We encourage students to participate in the development, establishment and pastoring of local churches, as well as cross-cultural and cross-border missions.
- Historical awareness: The school has inherited the rich historical Christian traditions as Christianity spread throughout Taiwan in the 19th century, and trains students to have profound historical awareness within the context of current times.
- International perspective: In response to the trend of globalization and internationalization, the school has gradually implemented plans to be more globally minded including: inviting foreign professors to give lectures and speeches, encouraging professors and students to participate in overseas internships, short-term missions, exchange student programs, etc., in order to expand and broaden the student’s international outlook.