Center for Continuing Education
The Extension Program of Theological Education
Theology is not the exclusive domain of pastors, seminaries, and theologies. Instead, following “the priesthood of all believers,” everyone can approach God and seek grace, and everyone can seek the knowledge of God. Theology truly allows the knowledge of God to be available to all. Everyone may seek to know God, to pursue “faith seeking understanding.”
The Extension Program of Theological Education seeks to reach out to all Christians, breaking the barrier between seminary and church, and allow everyone to seek to know God. Theology describes the way in which people seek to know God. It encourages the interaction of students and teaches beyond the confines of the seminary. The program helps students to integrate their life experience, work experience, and service background with theological training and research. Our hope is that theological study and reflection will take place in concrete contexts, allowing connections between work, world, and homeland.
Therefore, our dream is that theological study and reflection will allow for the extension of God’s kingdom. Our dream is that theological training can be pluralistic in nature, allowing research and discussion to serve this kingdom; that it will encourage community-building and new relationships; that God will pour out God’s gifts on our students. Our hope is that every still will be able to develop the resources they need for their ministry, to use the library, to have appropriate textbooks and homework, and that every student will use their theological training within the church. The seminary will help to build the church, and the church will help to build society. Our dream is that students will grow in the knowledge of God, becoming wise and able to use their gifts for the building of the church.
Originally, the Seminary, the Church, and Society are three distinct bodies, but the student may break through their separation, and every theologian becomes a member of society. Through their work and their family, and also through their social location, each lay theologian on the same path of seeking after God. Therefore, the Seminary, the Church, and Society become resources for every theological student, and every student seeks the integration of the three through their study and continued ministries.
The Extension Program of Theological Education:
Holistic Education, A Fellowship of Students
1. Purpose:
The purpose of the Extension Program of Theological Education seeks to encourage official, thoughtful, professional study of the Bible and Theology. The program seeks to help students to live out their faith, and to be able to offer their talents to the church, through evangelism, service, and worship.
2. Admission Materials
1. Normal Students: 18 years old, baptized members, who have completed at least high school, and have the support of their local pastor. They must follow the Department’s rules for registration, course selection, and enrollment
2. Auditing Students:There are no limits on age, academic background, or Christian faith. Anyone is welcome to visit regardless of background, although they must still complete the course audit enrollment registration.